Expressions of Interest are sought for the Scouts ACT Support of the 2024 Canberra Special Children’s Christmas Party.

This is an annual event for children from socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds, those with intellectual or physical impairment and those who are seriously ill. Venturers, Scouts, Rovers and Adults work to set up the gift room,displays, and help set up catering on day 1. On Day 2 we marshal the parking in the morning, and then help out with whatever needs doing in the afternoon (giving out food, helping at stalls, cleaning up rubbish as the event progresses).

This year some participants may be running the Scouts ACT Indoor Archery Range, or a stand on inclusive scouting.

At day’s end we help the organisers to pack the event away.

When: Friday November 29th (Set-up Day) 9:30am to 4pm. Saturday November 30th (Party Day) 8:30am until 4pm.

Please check in with both the event organising team AND the Scouts ACT Leaders present (Vance Lawrence) at the start and end of each day.

Where: The Betting Arena of Thoroughbred Park, 1 Randwick Rd, Lyneham ACT 2602.

Who: All uniformed and un-uniformed members of Scouts ACT 13 years and older, including Youth, Leaders and Adult Helpers.

How: To volunteer click on this link ( ( ) and enter your details. For Organisation put down “Scouts ACT”. Feel free to put in your T-shirt size, although full uniform is required of the Venturers/Scouts on the Party Day.

Then please email Vance at with the subject line "Canberra Childrens Christmas Party", and your name (as it appears in Operoo), Group/Unit and leader name. We will then add you to the Operoo form, which will go live in the last week of October.

There will be a question asking which days (Friday, Saturday, Both), you are volunteering for.

What to bring: On day 1 wear sturdy work clothes (jeans, collared shirt, hat, boots/shoes) and your Scarf (so the leaders and event organisers can keep track of who is from Venturers ACT). Also bring a bag with a water bottle and a packed lunch. You will be issued with high-vis to increase your safety on the day.

On day 2 (Party Day) please wear your full uniform (uniform shirt, scarf) with sensible working clothes. A water bottle and hat are a good idea, as we start off outside in the sun (sunscreen!). You can get food from the sausage sizzle at the party as the day progresses. You will be issued with high-vis to increase your safety on the day if you are working traffic & parking.

PLEASE NOTE – whilst the organisers do prefer you to wear their t-shirts, please try to keep in uniform throughout the day, as you will be raising the profile of Scouting in the ACT with your work.

All Scouting participants 16 years and older MUST be carrying their Working with Vulnerable People cards on the day, as an inspection of these is likely at such an event.

Archery Volunteers will report directly to the Leader in Charge of the Indoor Archery Range. To volunteer with the Archery team you must at least be a “Safe Participant”. There is a Safe Participant course on November 2nd 2024.

The Benefits: First up, is the knowledge that whatever work you do is helping up to 1600 children (up to 5000 people including carers) have an excellent start to the Christmas/new year season.

Second, this activity should easily count towards Creating a Better World SIA, and indeed, working both days will likely complete the hours required for even Rovers. A copy of a suggested SIA proposal will be available on request ( so you can get this approved by your unit council before attending.

Third, we are intending to set this up as a “Messengers of Peace” activity, so you can then return to your units and work out an activity to help you complete this universal scouting badge.