Pride in Diversity

An ACT Branch Venturer Council Initiative

A statement from the BVC Executive

The ACT Branch Venturer Council Executive stands with the LGBTQIA+ Community, and commits to continuous improvement of every member's experience within Scouting. We are committed to creating a better world for all.

Action being taken by BVC

The BVC Executive is not only standing in solidarity with the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, but is also committed to action.

You can follow our actions and progress below.

Actions for 2020

The following actions being taken by the BVC executive to show pride in our diverse community.

Normalising pronouns in email signature blocks

Progress and Commitment

The members of the BVC Executive have all put our pronouns in the signature block of our emails.

You can find a tutorial on how to do so here.

We encourage all members of Scouts ACT to add pronouns to their signature blocks.

Why normalising pronouns is important

Adding pronouns to a signature block is an easy way to show your support to our gender diverse community. Trans, Non-binary and gender diverse people often put their pronouns in their signature blocks and other descriptive texts (ie social media bios) to avoid being misgendered, as many people will assume gender based on names and outward appearances. Allies of the LGBTQIA+ community can add their pronouns to their signature block to normalise the practice, and to encourage an accepting community for everyone.

Resources for youth members

For LGBTQIA+ youth members, friends and families

The BVC have compiled a short list of resources aimed towards LGBTQIA+ youth members and their friends and families. This is to give questioning youth members a neutral place to have their questions answered, to deepen the knowledge of the general community, and to foster a safe and inclusive community for all in the Venturer section.

We will also be distributing two booklets to each venturer unit. They are made by minus18 and are designed for young people, and are focused on gender identity and sexual orentation. These have been priced, and are soon to be ordered.

The PDF copies of these booklets are avalible below. 

List of online resources:

(These resourses also provide contacts for community based organisations, if you wish to speak to someone in the wider community outside of scouting.) 

Scouts Australia Diversity and Inclusion Standard

Version 2 of Scouts Australia's Diversity and Inclusion Standard was published in November, 2023. The document can be found here:

the objective of these standards are:

Guidelines for Supporting Gender Diverse Members in Scouting

The Version 1, May 2021 guidelines for Supporting Gender Diverse Members in Scouting can be found here:

It is designed to support both Leaders and Youth Members to meaningfully include people who are gender diverse.
